Thank you for your participation!
The first HONPlus Circle Meeting is history, and we covered a wide range of topics from hemato-oncology to nephrology to pulmonology and rheumatology. We would like to thank all speakers for their committed and insightful presentations. The keynote lecture by Dr. Paul Weisenstamm on Friday evening was one of the many highlights of our conference. Thank you very much for that too.
Finally, thanks also go to you, our interested participants. We all learned a great deal together and made extensive use of the opportunity for professional exchange outside of the lectures. What might also interest you: The HONPlus Circle Meeting was a pilot event, and we are already working on a sequel.
Best regards

Prof. Michael Fischereder
Medical Clinic IV, LMU Munich

Prof. Michael von Bergwelt
Medical Clinic III, LMU Munich

Prof. Ulrich Specks
Mayo Clinic Rochester
Dr. Ulf Schönermarck
Conference Secretary